
Join us in Zoom on Mondays at 6:20-7:00 AM Central.

Co-rise with the sun & let it gently shine its light
on your day & wake up your week.

You’ve always wanted that morning “they” say will bring you miraculous blocks of productivity and success, but no matter how you try, you can’t seem to start the week off “right.”

The masculine model of work expects you to charge Mondays with action, but when we feel into the metaphor of Mondays, we find intention & reflection.

Monday is Moon-day—let it reflect a bit of Sun-day into your week.

Monday mornings have a bad reputation because we try to force them to be something they are not. Rather than using Mondays to perform miracles or get things done, allow Mondays to be what they are: days to set intentions and, under the moon, plant seeds that will bear fruit in your week.

I offer a container. We share our energy. You give it intention.

We’ll start with a quick check-in—an inspirational quote & shared intentions for the morning. We will mute our microphones (and turn camera on or off) to create a silent, shared, & supportive morning space.

Do whatever you need to do shine light on your day & wake up to your week—read, journal, plan, meditate, exercise, or drink tea while watching the sunrise.

Just before the end of our 40 minutes together, I’ll invite reflection on what we accomplished before we head off into our weeks.

Shine a gentle light on your day to wake up your week co-rise each Monday at 6:20am CDT.

Radiate Sun-day into your Moon-day each week

with co-rise.